Welcome to the Lemon Law Blog, offering all the latest automotive news and consumer information from the offices of Kimmel & Silverman. From the consumer stories making headlines to recent trends we see in Lemon Law litigation among certain car makes and models, our goal is to educate, enlighten, and enforce drivers' rights under State and Federal consumer statutes. If your lemon car, truck, or motorcycle is driving you crazy, we welcome you to join our conversation, email us, visit our Lemon Law home page, or give us a call at 1-800-536-6652.

REPOST– BMW 3-Series Fuel Pump Problems Continue

June 09, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

Sometimes, an item is so important that it’s worth repeating.  The fuel pump issue with BMW 3-series vehicles  is on the rise and we have successfully resolved numerous lemon law and breach of warranty claims since we initially posted the issue last October. BMW is working hard to come up with a fix to the… Read More

Mercury Is Falling – Ford Says So Long To 72-Year-Old Brand

June 04, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

Following in the footsteps of Pontiac, Saturn, and Hummer, Ford is cutting ties with the 72-year old Mercury brand. According to an Associated Press article, the move is designed to keep Ford running lean and mean, while beefing up the Lincoln luxury brand. Mercury vehicles will be available throughout the Summer at discounted prices at… Read More

The Importance of The Repair Invoice

June 03, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

I hope I don’t sound like a broken record, but we cannot stress the importance of repair invoices. A young lady called today on the 1800 LEMON LAW hotline  to complain about the water leaks in her Jeep–she has been there too many times to count.  Now, anyone who reads our blog knows that we… Read More

Buying A Used Car Without Being Taken For A Ride

May 26, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

There is no doubt that we are all looking for ways to save money and that should extend to car buying. You can save considerably when purchasing a used car versus a new car. That being said, you need to prepare yourself to make sure that the dream car you purchased was not someone else’s… Read More

NJ Consumers Who Suffered Brake Problems with 1997-2000 Kia Sephias Are Entitled to Recourse

April 30, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

Attention all NJ consumers who purchased or leased a 1997-2000 Kia Sephia and suffered brake problems:  It’s time to seek recourse and visit KiaSephiaDefectiveBrakes.com (Please note, this website is no longer available). The Superior Court of New Jersey, Union County have reached a decision in the class action suit of “Little vs. Kia,” authorizing claims… Read More

2010 Car Complaint Index Is Here

April 06, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

It always happens as the Spring flowers bloom and the weather gets warmer.  Consumers start to get the itch to go car-shopping, to get behind a hot new set of wheels and head out on the open highway.  And with their burning desire comes their repeated calls to the 1-800 LEMON LAW hotline, asking that… Read More

Toyota Prius Owner Afraid to Drive Because of Sudden Acceleration

March 26, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

Fox 29 News reported this story on a Toyota Prius owner who is afraid to drive his car because of sudden acceleration.

Defect Alert — Honda Accord Brake Recall

March 12, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

The calls have been coming non-stop on the 1-800 LEMON LAW hotline from folks who are having brake problems with their Honda Accords, most notably 2008-2009 models. We are VERY familiar with this problem and we know that American Honda is trying very hard to comprehend and permanently fix the problem. That being said, we… Read More

540,000 Nissans and 1.3 Cobalts & Pontiacs Recalled

March 04, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

In the wake of the massive Toyota recalls comes some stressful news from Nissan and General Motors. Both manufacturers are announcing pretty extensive recalls on some of their most popular models. Let’s start with Nissan, who has announced a recall of 539,864 vehicles due to faulty brake pedal pins and fuel gauge components. Those models… Read More

Pennsylvania & Delaware Toyota Drivers Are Getting Recourse

March 03, 2010 By: Robert Silverman Category: consumer-rights-blog

Courtesy of KYW TV Consumer Crusader Jim Donovan’s Blog, we have some good news for Pennsylvania and Delaware Toyota Drivers: Both Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett and Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden have secured deals with Toyota where the manufacturer will provide Toyota drivers affected by the recall with rental cars, loaner vehicles, shuttle services… Read More