Ohio Lemon Law Explained

November 2, 2009
By: Robert Silverman

We continue our “Get To Know Your Lemon Law” series with the Ohio Lemon Law.

The Ohio Lemon Law applies to new cars, noncommercial motor vehicles, motor homes and recreational vehicles that suffer a nonconformity; a defect or condition, which substantially impairs the use, value or safety; that cannot be repaired after three attempts by an authorized manufacturer’s dealership. The first repair must occur in the first 12 months or 18,000 miles whichever comes first.  The Law also covers cars that in the shop 30 or more calendar days during that period, either consecutive or not.

In addition, the OH Lemon Law also provides an additional protection that you do not see in other lemon laws, such as Pennsylvania Lemon Law.  The Law covers you if you have been in the shop for 8 total repair attempts in the first 12 months/18,000 miles, regardless if they are for the same or different problems.

And like the newly amended  New Jersey Lemon Law, the OH Lemon Law  covers consumers for conditions likely to cause death or serious bodily injury that are not fixed after the first repair attempt.

Like the other Lemon Laws we have previously covered in the blog, the Ohio Lemon Law provides completely cost-free representation through fee-shifting provisions which ensure that if the consumer prevails, the manufacturer must pay all attorneys fees on top of that the consumer receives.  Possible remedies include a complete repurchase, a new car, or a partial refund to reflect the diminished value of the car (in this scenario, the consumer keeps the car.)

And remember, even if you do not fall under the parameters of the OH Lemon law, free help may still be available through the Federal Magnuson Moss Warranty Act.

If you think you may have a potential claim under the Ohio Lemon Law, drop us a line and tell us about it.  We will be glad to discuss the situation with you and see how we can help.