Missouri Lemon Law - Cost-Free Legal Help from 1-800-Lemon-Law

Last updated: January 7, 2025

For 100% cost-free legal help throughout Missouri, call 1-800-LEMON-LAW (1-800-536-6652)

What is the Missouri Lemon Law?

The Missouri Lemon Law covers passenger vehicles, such as lemon cars, trucks, and SUVs, that suffer a defect within the first year of ownership or express warranty period, whichever comes first, that cannot be repaired after repeated attempts (normally 3-4) by a manufacturer’s authorized dealership. In addition, the law also covers vehicles that spend 30 or more days out of service within the first year, and these days do not have to be consecutive, or for the same issue.


What if I have repetitive issues, or my vehicle has been in the shop an extended period of time, but the issue occurred after the first year of ownership? Do I still have a claim?

Even if the problems occur outside of the Missouri Lemon Law parameters, you could still have rights under the Federal Magnuson Moss Warranty Act. This law states that if you have a manufacturer’s warranty, your vehicle should be fixed efficiently and effectively, and if it is not, you should receive compensation to reflect the diminished value of the vehicle as a result of the problem. This applies even if and when your vehicle is finally fixed.

If you receive compensation under the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act, your vehicle is not branded in any way, shape, or form; you never need to disclose you received this money at the time of trade or sale, and your warranties remain firmly and fully in effect. Best of all, like the Missouri Lemon Law, the legal representation is completely cost-free, win or lose.

What types of issues fall under the Missouri Lemon Law and Federal Warranty Laws?

These laws cover any defects that impair the use, value, and safety of your vehicle. They could involve your transmission or engine; your infotainment system; water leaks, trunks, doors, or windows not opening properly, stalling, cold starts, check engine lights, vibration or “death wobbles,” paint issues, or any other matter that would be covered under your manufacturer’s warranty. As long as it is covered, it could apply as a potential lemon vehicle in Missouri.

Are motorcycles covered under the Missouri Lemon Law?

Motorcycles are not covered under Missouri Lemon Law, however they ARE covered under the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act. So if you are having issues with your lemon bike in Missouri, certainly reach out to discuss your rights and how we can help.

Both laws include a fee-shifting provision which states that if the client prevails, the manufacturer must pay all attorney fees and legal costs either on top of recourse or as a mandatory part of any settlement. This levels the playing field between the consumer and the billion-dollar car company. You now have an experienced team of legal professionals advocating on your behalf at no cost to you. When you open a claim in Missouri with Kimmel & Silverman, there are never any out-of-pocket costs, win or lose.

What makes a strong Lemon Law or breach of warranty claim?

Documentation is always paramount in a strong case. When you open a claim, we will ask you for copies of your sales or lease paperwork, registration card, and repair records. The repair records are especially important because they outline mileage in, mileage out, days out of service, the nature of the defects, the work done to address these defects. The more repair records you have, the stronger the claim. The stronger the claim, the better the remedy.

Why should you use Kimmel & Silverman to represent you in a Missouri Lemon Law claim?

Since 1991, Kimmel & Silverman has prided themselves in being a leader in Lemon Law litigation, helping more than 185,000 drivers throughout the Country. We represent drivers throughout sixteen states with a full team of accomplished attorneys, support staff, paralegals, and ASE-certified experts. Our efforts have secured us countless awards throughout the legal community, and we have been featured on hundreds of national and local newscasts and talk shows.

How do I move forward with opening a claim?

If you are a Missouri consumer and ready to discuss your situation and how we can help, call us at 1-800-536-6652 or fill out our Get Rid of Your Lemon form.


Call 1-800-LEMON-LAW (1-800-536-6652) now for your FREE Lemon Law case review

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